Archive for languages

Excel Functions translated in 16 languages and saved for offline use

Posted in Software with tags , , , , , on May 10, 2013 by Sirusdark

Here’s one of the most useful combination of webpage and Firefox add-on I use:

A list of all Microsoft Excel’s function translated in some 16 languages and saving it for offline use with UnMHT.



In Microsoft Excel, the names of functions depend on which language MS-Office was installed. Since I work in a different languages, it was a pain to find the corresponding functions from a language to another… not anymore! Here’s a table containing the Excel function names in 16 languages. You can even filter which one you want to see.


Offline we go!

Then, it’s nice and all, but what if I don’t have access to the Internet? Or worse, if that nice webpage goes dark forever? There’s an app for that : UnMHT


About UnMHT

UnMHT allows you to view MHT (MHTML) web archive format files and save complete web pages, including text and graphics (and scripts), into a single MHT standalone file, which can be viewed in Firefox/SeaMonkey.


